
Comfort, Efficiency, Savings and Environmental friendliness: Eco-Solutions bend over backwards for you

Comfort Always on hand

Eco-Solutions comfort also means having the hot water you need on a daily basis, at any time and at the right temperature.


Optimize your comfort with Diematic iSystem control

This system is very simple and allows you to adjust the temperatures, the programs and the numerous settings of your Eco-Solution. It controls the use of energy according to your needs, your habits and your lifestyle. The room unit control provides even more comfort.

Simplify your life through remote control

The new remote control application allows you to control your boiler directly with your smartphone or tablet wherever you are! Something unexpected turns up, guests for dinner ? Nothing could be easier, you just increase the temperature remotely. A problem occurs? You'll be warned a second later and you can send a message to the professional of your choice.

Choose the domestic hot water solution that suits you best

To ensure your well-being, there are many hot water systems. Free hot water, through solar energy and the use of a heat pump. Compact solutions with wall-hung boilers. Optimal and sustainable quality with enamelled storage tanks. All are anti-legionella systems.


The hallmark of all the Eco-Solutions is their silent operation. Several decibels less is highly appreciable in everyday life.

Savings The figures speak for themselves

Heating and producing hot water account for a sizeable portion of the household budget. With Eco-Solutions, you will be able to reduce it significantly.



Maximize your savings

Condensing boilers give you up to 30% energy savings compared to older generation of boilers. You can also benefit from tax credits and favourable financing schemes by choosing this type of equipment.

Enjoy inexpensive hot water

100% free and 100% clean, solar power is an endless energy source that can cover up to 60% of your domestic hot water needs.

Be a winner through an innovative duo

You recover up to 3 kWh of heat as a heat pump only consumes 1 kWh for each 4kWh it produces. In other words, 70% of energy savings compared to an all-electric solution. And thanks to the Inverter system which reduces the number of start/stop cycles, you save additional amounts on your bill.

Energy budget control at your fingertips

The ability to control your hot water and heating system to suit your exact needs is an essential part of your installation. You then only use the energy strictly needed thereby decreasing your energy bill (up to 26% savings).

Efficiency Better use of energy

Find out about all our solar solutionsThe latest technological innovations offered by De Dietrich's Eco-Solutions provide you with the best possible efficiency.


Take advantage of higher efficiency

The optimum efficiency of a gas- or oil-condensing boiler can be up to 109%, compared to a 95% at the most for a "conventional" boiler. This reduces the amount of energy needed to operate the boiler.

Stay ahead with an exclusive innovation, the modulating burner

This De Dietrich exclusivity avoids successive startups of the burner and modulates the power from 59% to 100%. It ensures the most efficient consumption and significantly decreases harmful emissions, by up to -50%.

Make the right choice with heat pumps

A heat pump's Coefficient of Performance (COP) can be up to 4, i.e. for each 4 kWh generated it only consumes 1 kWh.

Be visionary with solar energy

Solar systems are becoming ever more efficient and use a renewable, endless source of energy. They can also be combined easily with conventional solutions.

Go for reliability

More than 100 engineers work in De Dietrich's research centers developing reliable solutions providing you with sustainable comfort.



The innovations offered by the Eco-Solutions allow you to do your bit for the environment on a daily basis.


Reduce greenhouse gases by a factor of 3

Condensing technology optimizes the energy in flue gases for heating and hot water production. Harmful emissions generating greenhouse gas are thus three times lower than those required by the Kyoto protocol, providing up to 40% energy savings.

Opt for nature's limitless resources

A heat pump extracts heat from the air, water and the ground, providing a constantly renewed source of energy. Compared to conventional energies, this clean system limits your environmental impact and reduces harmful emissions and waste.

Choose the 100% win-win solution

Solar energy is the quintessential 100% free, 100% clean and 100% renewable energy. As demonstrated by many studies, there is sufficient sunshine for it to be used everywhere in France.

Heat just what is needed

The use of a control system means that your boiler only consumes the energy it strictly needs. A way to spend less while heating better, and preserving the environment.